Top 8 Unknown Facts about Vitamins

MedIQ Facts about Vitamins


Vitamins are vital micronutrients that are involved in various body processes ranging from boosting immunity to healthy skin and strong bones. The fundamentals of vitamins are known by most of us but there some unknown facts are often overlooked by many of us. We will explore 10 significant facts that will change your opinion on these amazing vitamins.

FACT # 01: Vitamin B12 is Vital for Energy Production: 

It is essential for the synthesis of red blood cells that transports oxygen throughout the body and is linked to frequent energy production. However deficiency of Vitamin B12 can cause weakness, exhaustion, and even neurological problems. Moreover Vitamin B12 is present in animal products like dairy, meat, fish. People who are vegetarian can take yogurt, cheese or also can take supplements.

FACT # 02: Your best source of Vitamin D is Sun

The Sun is the most efficient and natural source of vitamin d, even though you could use a supplement of vitamin d for increasing its levels.But where you live, how much sunscreen you wear and the color of your skin can affect how much vitamin d the sun can provide you.Your skin creates vitamin d3 in response to sunshine exposure, which is necessary for healthy bones and the absorption of calcium.

FACT # 03: Vitamin C More than just immunity

Vitamin C is well known for immunity, its advantages go well beyond that.

Vitamin Cis essential for vegetarians , since it facilitates the body’s absorption of iron from plant based sources.This antioxidant is critical to the synthesis of collagen, which is necessary for the health of blood vessels, joints and skin. Source of Vitamin C is oranges, lemons, kiwis, bell peppers, broccoli, tamarind etc.

FACT # 04: Vitamin B12 Deficiency is highly common

Vitamin B12 insufficiency is high especially in old people and vegetarians. The symptoms include tiredness, extreme weakness, memory loss etc. For people who run the deficiency of B12 should take necessary high quality supplements in order to avoid any consequences.

FACT # 05: Serious Health Issues by Vitamin D deficiency

Due to changing lifestyles and less sun exposure, Vitamin d deficiency has become a significant problem in recent years. Low vitamin D levels has been connected to an increased level of risk of depression, cardiovascular disease and even certain malignancies, in addition to its role on bone health. For general health, making sure you get vitamin d via food supplements or sunlight is essential

FACT # 06: Vitamin E helps in anti aging

Vitamin E ,packed with antioxidants, helps shield cells from oxidative stress and inflammation caused by free radicals, unstable chemicals.Because of vitamin E’s high amounts in seeds and nuts, you can consume sunflower seeds, almonds, cashew nuts, pistachios, walnuts as snacks in your diet. Vitamin E may have an impact on immunological response and cardiovascular health in addition to its involvement in skin health.

FACT # 07: Vitamins are Heat-sensitive

Cooking can cause the loss of heat-sensitive vitamins such as vitamin c , which is particularly evident when boiling vegetables.Your food’s vitamin content can be affected by how you prepare and cook it.fat-soluble vitamins are less heat sensitive to cooking techniques and more stable.

FACT # 08: Balanced diet is the secret to good health

Supplements can help you fill in nutritional deficiencies, a well rounded, diverse diet full of whole foods is always preferable.A well balanced diet is essential.The greatest method to make sure your body is getting all the vitamins and nutrients it needs for optimum health is to eat a varied diet rich in whole fruits,grains, healthy fats, and vegetables.


In summary, vitamins are essential for preserving health and well-being and each one has its own advantages. Knowing these little known facts about vitamins and including a range of nutrient dense foods in your diet will help meet your body demands and reap the benefits of vitamins. Thus, remember that a balanced diet is key to maximizing the benefits of these vital nutrients whether you are eating nuts for vitamin E or basking in sun for vitamin D.


What are the 5 most important vitamins?

The most vital vitamins for human body are as follow:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin K

Vitamin A is essential for healthy skin, immune system and vision.  Vitamin C aids in collagen synthesis, wound healing and immune system. Vitamin D is good for bone health, calcium absorption. Vitamin E keeps cells safe from harm and promotes healthy skin.  Blood coagulation and bone metabolism depends on Vitamin K. 

What do all vitamins do?

Vitamins are organic substances that are necessary for the body’s metabolism function. Each vitamin has a distinct different function, they all work to support, develop and general health. Vitamins facilitate enzymatic reactions that are necessary for metabolism.

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